Portable Lighthouse System
Museu d’Art Contemporani Vicente Aguilera Cerni (MACVAC).
Vilafamés, Castelló, September 2022.
It is probably not the most common thing to discover a lighthouse on top of one of Castelló’s inland villages. Close to the sea, but too far from it at the same time, hidden between mountains, invisible to any sailor’s sight, distant from its fellows. What is that lighthouse doing there?
For many centuries, lighthouse’s identity has been undoubtedly tied to the sea, where, still nowadays, they perform a task of vital resiliency and permanence. Designed to withstand huge rainstorms and any kind of atmospheric conditions, lighthouses provide with their light beam a safe reference to any sailor in the ocean, while becoming on mainland an everlasting icon for endurance and protection for uncountable generations.
Together with the displayed pieces in dialogue with the museum’s permanent collection, MACVACS’s lighthouse settles a correspondence with its analogous on the coast in order to place museums as a reference point in a society that shows itself as brave and ambitious, despite it is still full of inequalities, many times lacking reflection, auto criticism and encounter. Precisely against these stigmas, 50 years ago the museum opened its doors for the first time so that today can host the sparkle of this lighthouse.
All images by Montse Pinel.
For many centuries, lighthouse’s identity has been undoubtedly tied to the sea, where, still nowadays, they perform a task of vital resiliency and permanence. Designed to withstand huge rainstorms and any kind of atmospheric conditions, lighthouses provide with their light beam a safe reference to any sailor in the ocean, while becoming on mainland an everlasting icon for endurance and protection for uncountable generations.
Together with the displayed pieces in dialogue with the museum’s permanent collection, MACVACS’s lighthouse settles a correspondence with its analogous on the coast in order to place museums as a reference point in a society that shows itself as brave and ambitious, despite it is still full of inequalities, many times lacking reflection, auto criticism and encounter. Precisely against these stigmas, 50 years ago the museum opened its doors for the first time so that today can host the sparkle of this lighthouse.
All images by Montse Pinel.