Lux Domus 2.0
Umbra Light Festival 2025.
Catedral de María Inmaculada.
Vitoria-Gasteiz, 14 – 16 February 2025.
The Latin term domus refers to the domestic space: a house, a home, a place where architecture is more than just architecture because it offers protection greater than any other building. In its immaterial sense, it also denotes the concept of family and lineage. This is the guiding concept of Lux Domus: an architecture of light designed to be a refuge, a place of welcome and tranquillity, for a calm, measured stroll that allows us to reflect as the slow geometric transformation of light completely alters our perception of our surroundings.
A parallel idea of this project is to deal with light from the perspective of materiality—an almost solid materiality—which brings us closer to a dimension to which we are undoubtedly unfamiliar. It incidentally reminds us of a concept we often forget: the essence of any space lies in the interaction of the elements that define it.
All images by Rafael Vargas.
A parallel idea of this project is to deal with light from the perspective of materiality—an almost solid materiality—which brings us closer to a dimension to which we are undoubtedly unfamiliar. It incidentally reminds us of a concept we often forget: the essence of any space lies in the interaction of the elements that define it.
All images by Rafael Vargas.